Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015


today i want to interview entrepreneur


Name                  : Raja Nadhira

Date of birth        : 25 / 8/1989

Address              : Jl . Pulomas VIE no. 15 , East Jakarta 13210

Age                     : 25

School                : Graduated with a degree in psychology from the University of Indonesia.

Occupation         : Owner of Clean Cookery


 -What does Clean Cookery mean?

It actually just means clean kitchen. I tried to create a catchy name that people would easily identify with healthy eating at just a glance. I think that it's really important that people are a able to get a sense of what you sell or what services you provide through the name alone.

 -   What inspired you to make a business?

My main inspiration in creating my own business is my mother. She's a single mother, and by running her own business she has managed to put all three of her children through school overseas. Because of her, I really feel like you can do anything you set your mind to as long as you work hard and persevere.

-     - Why did you at first make a business?
Honestly, the reason why I started eating healthy in the first place was due to vanity. I had a lot of acne about 2 years ago, and I had tried just about everything to get rid of it, including going to dermatologists, and nothing worked. So I did some research, and I read that a lot of people managed to balance their hormones and consequently get rid of their acne by following the paleo diet. I tried it out, and it turns out that the diet worked really well for me, and I did manage to get rid of my acne entirely. Because of this, I decided to start a catering business, which would hopefully help other likeminded people looking to get healthy, without the hassle of spending all that time in the kitchen.

-  What kind of business are you selling?

Clean Cookery is a paleo diet lunch and dinner catering that delivers to the entire Jakarta area. The paleo diet is a lifestyle that encourages us to eat the way that our paleolithic ancestors ate. Basically the theory behind it is that our bodies have not evolved to process the kinds of food that we eat in abundance during modern times. This includes sugar, legumes, dairy, grains, and hydrogenated vegetable oil.

-Why catering?

When you start a diet there are so many excuses that you make in order to delay just starting it. Due to this, I thought that it would be a good idea to provide delicious and healthy food  in a way that is convenient for them, i.e. delivered to their doorstep. Also, when I started there were no other paleo based catering services in Indonesia, and I thought that it was a great opportunity to tap into a niche market that was yet to be explored.

-      Why food and beverage?
I actually never truly liked to cook before I started the paleo diet, and so the decision to delve into food and beverage is quite a surprise to everyone around me! But as I started adopting a healthy lifestyle, I realised just how central food is to your health and wellbeing, and how people often neglect this for the sake of convenience. Because of this, I became passionate about helping others start their journey towards a healthier self.

-       -What do you think is the hardest thing to do while running a business?

Marketing is really hard. Due to the emergence of social media as a marketing platform, it may seem easy to just post about your business, but since there are so many online based shops, it's quite hard to get people's attention as there is just so much noise. Because of this, it's so important to keep your posts constant and your content creative. Otherwise, the cooking itself is a very physically involving process, and it's quite tiring to stand in front of a hot stove and cook food for over 30 people a day!

-       To whom are you selling your products to?

                     Mainly within the range of 20-40 years old, usually those who work in an office.            We find that most of    our customers are women.

-        When did you start the business?

              A little less than a year ago, in early November 2014.

-      How do you choose to promote it?

            I promote Clean Cookery mainly via Instagram. I take all the pictures myself and upload them to Instagram with a caption describing the food.

-       - Do you see a lot of copycat products?

              Actually another paleo catering business launched a couple of months after Clean Cookery! But I find that it's to be expected. You know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

-        Where did you start your business?

          I started cooking at home, and I actually still work from my house now.

-      Are you working with anyone on your business?

          As of right now, I head the business myself, and I have 5 employees working with me.

-      - What do you think matters most? Product or price?

           Both. These days customers expect a high quality product with a competitive price.

-       Who inspired you to make this business?

             My mother, who has truly supported and mentored me in running my business.

-      Describe how it feels to run a business

             It's really awesome to know that you own something of your own, and that you're the one who calls the shots. However there's a big responsibility that comes with it, which can be quite stressful at times.

 - Do you have any coworkers or friends helping you out with the business?

             As I mentioned, I currently have a staff of 5 people.

-        How many customers do you get per week or month?

             In a day, we send out on average about 30-40 lunch boxes.Which means 150-200 boxes a week.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

My Portfolio Semester 1 2015/2016

My Portfolio Semester 1 2015/2016

1. PE 

  •    skipping for 1 minute

2. Gambang Kromong

  •   lenggang kangkung

3. PAI

  •     al waqiah 1-15

4.bahasa indonesia

  • membaca berita



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